We offer a variety of services to ATASA members, ranging from representation on relevant councils and government agencies, facilitation of training and development, support and labour consultation, providing latest industry information and more.



ATASA is accredited by the Fibre Processing and Manufacturing Sectoral Education and Training Authority (F P & M SETA) to conduct skills training on behalf of ATASA members nationally and upon approved grants being made available to us the skills training is at no cost to ATASA members.

This benefit has been passed onto ATASA members since 2017 and for which a number of members and their employees have enjoyed this benefit.


  • Representation on the National Bargaining Council for the Clothing Manufacturing Industry dealing with, and, responsible for contributing to any collective and substantive agreements emanating from the Council.
  • Our Executive Committee Members are represented and serve on the National Bargaining Councils Committee and Sub Committees.
  • In 2018 our past Chairperson was a signatory to Skills Accord and Industry Summit for our sector which culminated in the National Bargaining Council Productivity and Training Institute (PTI) for which ATASA serves on the Management Committee.
  • The Association of which you are a member serves on Governments Retail-Clothing, Textiles, Footwear and Leather Master Plan 2030 where a number of Executive Committee Members from the office of our Chairperson serve on the Executive Oversight Committees of this initiative. 
  • In 2018 the Association Project Manager was invited to serve on the Durban University of Technology Clothing Production Management and Fashion Department Advisory Board.
  • We represent our members interests at Conciliations and Arbitrations and offer labour consulting advice to members and where called upon we act as Chairpersons at member dispute hearings.


We facilitate and participate in meetings between various government agencies and departments such as the IDC the DTI and other stakeholders and we facilitate access to member companies for various grants on offer to businesses by these entities.


  • We are responsible for distributing to members, and, keeping members abreast of all current industry and market trends pertaining to our sector. This includes statistics detailing trade reports and movements.
  • Regular communication takes place between the Government Economic Cluster and we give input where requested to regulatory measures and policy development with regard to the import and export of clothing.


  • Membership of our Association means that Bargaining Council compliance certificates are valid for a period of one year and not six months.
  • ATASA has a memorandum of co-operation with the South African Apparel Association of South Africa (SAAA).
  • ATASA has a signed Memorandum of Understanding with B & M Analysts to participate in the continuous improvement cluster activities of this value adding body.
  • Through the Master Plan 2030 and the efforts of our Chairperson ATASA seeks to enter further MOU’s with key retailers to grow our footprint and member base.


  • We participate in a number of industry wide interventions and support measures for members within the Clothing and Textile industries.
  • Advice is given to members on any Council related matters, labour related issues affecting the industry and we are always available to support our members interests at the Council.
  • We have a limited data base of employment seekers for which we offer a Recruitment service when able to.
  • ATASA are leading the drive to have a IDC/DTI help desk based at all locations nationally and specifically in KZN to be able to help members with initiatives and interventions.
  • We pride ourselves in providing a Human Resources advisory service to members in need of this input with particular reference to Letters of Appointment and Policies and Procedures and other HR related matters.